Wednesday, September 01, 2010

In September I Will Do Better

It’s September all of a sudden, but I’m much too busy for my usual where-did-the-summer-go/where-did-the-year-go/where-did-the-decade-go shtick.


My life, as per usual, is much busier than it is productive, and I’m a little sad to see another summer gone without having made as much progress with my projects as I’d like. I suspect I’m being a little too hard on myself – I am, after all, a grown-up-ish person with a job and a family, and the summer is not one big Calvin & Hobbes-esque lazy Sunday for me anymore.


Still and all, I have twinges of disappointment. Other the other hand,  I have kids going to school in a few days, and I remember going to school myself, and so for me, like for a lot of other people, September is the Other New Year, a beginning, an opportunity to reflect, take stock and set goals.


Progress on The Novel is… slow. But slow is better than non-existent, and I hope to bear down for another real push this month. It’ll help that my writers group will be starting up again in the fall; I think a deadline or two will help motivate me.


There’s actually a lot happening on the comics front, although most of it still isn’t quite ready for a big public announcement. I finished the script for the final chapter of the first book of Cold Iron Badge, and Patrick is already working away on it with his mad skillz.


I haven’t been getting to the gym as much as I wanted, and I definitely haven’t been eating as virtuously as I should. The food thing just requires willpower, and although pie is my Kryptonite, I’m feeling stronger and more optimistic as the Other New Year begins. The gym… well, like I said, the kids are starting school, and without going all blah-blah true confessions on you, I can say that this will lead to some complications with attendant scheduling hiccups that will need to be overcome. The gym may get caught in the crossfire. If it does... hmm, I dunno, I might just have to climb the stairs in our building a couple of times every night for a while. One thing I’m certain of is that I really need to get serious, now, about making a change for the better.


Because it’s time. It’s the Other New Year. We’re heading into my favourite season. It’s a time for optimism that leads to action, for getting things done and doing them well. For being healthier, more productive and happier.


It’s September, and I’m going to do better.

1 comment:

Nickijoe said...

Rootin' for ya, buddy.